Multifunctional cultural and creative hub in Kosiv town – Carpathian Culture Center

  • Multifunctional cultural and creative hub in Kosiv town – Carpathian Culture Center
  • Multifunctional cultural and creative hub in Kosiv town – Carpathian Culture Center
  • Multifunctional cultural and creative hub in Kosiv town – Carpathian Culture Center
Переглядів: 5014

Project description

The project involves the reconstruction of a communal building with an area of 1470.3 square meters for further use as a multifunctional cultural and art center of Carpathian Culture Center, for the preservation and promotion of the historical and cultural heritage of the Carpathian region, primarily authentic crafts, development based on the existing potential of the creative economy. To date, the concept and roadmap for the establishment and launch of the Center in Kosiv has been developed and approved by the session of the Kosiv District Council.

Part of the large-scale project idea has been implemented since 2018 as part of the project " The World of Carpathian Rosettes – Measures to Preserve the Unique Culture of the Carpathians", funded by the European Union through the Joint Operational Program of cross-border cooperation Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 of the European neighborhood instrument.

It is planned that the cultural and creative hub in Kosiv will function at the intersection of historical and modern dimensions.

The historical component of the development is directly related to the building and its location:

  1. historical traditions and the presence in the region of a high concentration of folk craftsmen (work on the edge of authentic traditions and their modern interpretations);
  2. history of salt mining in Kosiv (facility is located on the territory of a flooded salt mine);
  3. history of natural medicine Apolinarii Tarnavskyi;
  4. history of the weaving school, Union "Hutsul art", Kurylenkova Artel, which formed the basis for the creation and activity for about 40 years of production of Art Association "Hutsulshchyna".

The modern dimension is the focus of the Center activities as an anchor destination, which is designed to form a positive image of the region, meet the cultural, educational, artistic needs of residents of the district and region, guests of the region; attract public initiatives, entrepreneurs to interact and cooperate, form a culture of socially responsible business in the district.

The project implementation period is until 2027, taking into account the stages defined by the concept and roadmap for the creation and launch of the Center in Kosiv.

Economic justification

Experts of the Economic Development Agency PPV Knowledge Networks (Lviv city), together with the Kosiv District Council and Kosiv City Council, conducted a strategic exploration to determine the priority functions of the Center and formed step-by-step recommendations for its creation and operation. The relevant findings are reflected in the program document - the concept and roadmap for creating the center. The development scenario chosen as the base scenario for the Center, that is focused on craftsmen, high-quality tourism of local cultural heritage and local economic development.

Sources of income – rent, business support services, paid events/services (order placement center as an "entry point" for creative brands looking for performers, entrepreneurship support center/consulting), implementation of grant projects, formation of packages of high-quality tourist products. During 2025-2027 – pilot operation and reaching full self-sufficiency, the formation of added value for the local budget.

Estimated project cost

Total estimated cost of the project is UAH 30,866,785

Sources of funding

Public-private partnership
Financed and completed works for UAH 8,707,138 (state budget, EU grant funds, regional budget, town budget).

Additional information

Kosiv District Council ensured the development and approval of the project documentation for the "Reconstruction of the carpet shop building for the Carpathian Culture Center of Kosiv". A positive expert report was received on the review of project documentation for the corresponding working project.

On 25.06.2020 the decision of the regular session of the Kosiv District Council approved the concept and roadmap for the creation and launch of the Carpathian Culture Center (including determining the stages of project implementation until 2027).

Project initiator

Kosiv District Council