Innovative activity

28 enterprises which accounts for 21.2% of the surveyed industrial enterprises were involved in innovation in the region (the average value for Ukraine is 16.4%). In order to improve the technical and technological level of manufacturing enterprises of the region

  • Introduced 20 new technological processes
  • Started production of 55 innovative types of products

Total expenditures for introduction of innovations amounted to UAH 146.2 million

The infrastructure, designed to support innovation, is composed of about 20 participants. They primarily include branches of higher education institutions of the oblast, scientific and research institutes, research-and-production companies, NGOs and other entities.


Promprylad.Renovation is an investment project on creating an innovation center on the site of an old plant in the center of Ivano-Frankivsk, and is involved in four areas of regional development: new economy, urbanism, contemporary art and informal education.

Promprylad. Renovation - is the first impact investment project in the country, called the Atlantic Council’s "Most impressive civil society project". The project, launched by the Teple Misto platform, has already undergone high-quality international expertise and has been integrated into the Ivano-Frankivsk development strategy. Prompylad.Renovation was the winner in the nomination Economic Development of Partnership for Sustainability Award from the UN Global Compact in Ukraine. The project was presented during international meetings in Davos, London, Stanford, Canada and Warsaw.

At the moment, $5,000,000 has been raised. 25 international and Ukrainian organizations have already joined the project, as well as more than 400 private investors.

Science city "New Energy"

The science city operates at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas. The goal of the science city is to spread knowledge about science and to generate interest to it and technology. Today it is a modern platform for learning and a full-fledged training-entertainment complex for children, young people and adults, where they can learn about scientific achievements, new developments and the latest technologies in energy and renewable energy (solar, water, wind, etc.). The main course of exercises and training is the role of energy and energy resources in human life.
Additionally, a permanent consulting center on energy efficiency and energy saving has been established at the Science Village, where professors and associate professors of the University conduct thematic workshops and trainings.

Science park "Precarpathian National University"

The main development objectives of the Science Park "Precarpathian National University" are energy-saving technologies, nanotechnology, biotechnology and Information Technology. A number of Science Park projects have been included in the Strategy for Development of Ivano-Frankivsk, one of which was "Running a Startup Contest".

Hub "Agents of change"

"Agents of change" hub is a unique innovative platform for commercializing scientific development through a project approach, for training project management staff through a dual education system, and an environment for implementing innovative communication tools.
The hub was created thanks to the successful implementation of the project "Creating a project-educational center for the development of innovations and investments in the region" within the program of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine "Innovative Economy and Investments" at the expense of state budget funds received from the EU.