Land plot is assigned for the development of the industrial park «Burshtyn». 20 ha

  • Land plot is assigned for the development of the industrial park «Burshtyn». 20 ha
Переглядів: 3324

General information

Type of land plot: Greenfield

Settlement: Burshtyn town

Area: 20.45 ha

Property information

Property type: Communal

Cadastral number: 2621210300:01:006:0080

Designated purpose of use: Land of industry

Transport infrastructure

Access road to the site: Land plot is located near the road of national importance N09. Motorway of national importance Right next to the plot

Railway: 4 km

Airport: 50 km

Engineering networks

Electricity supply: 2 km

Gas supply: 250 m

Water supply: 500 m

Sewerage system: 1.5 km


Contact person: Yana Shtohryn

Phone: +380673410634


Additional information

Land plot is assigned for the development of the industrial park "Burshtyn". Land management project of the plot is elaborated. UAH 243.2 thousand has already been financed by the city budget for arrangement of the industrial park. Development of engineering infrastructure of the land plot for industrial park has been included in Burshtyn Development Strategy for 2016-2020